The love for what I do comes from the people I meet and the places I visit. Professional makeup has provided me with so many unique and unexpected experiences over the years and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the memories that now make up my portfolio – and my life. Here is just one recent opportunity that allowed me to showcase both my talent and my life story in a magazine. I could have never anticipated having such an experience!

When Sue Long, the editor of Lancaster County Magazine asked for my help for her 2013 summer cover, I was absolutely thrilled. I knew it will be a challenge since we were planning to shoot on a very hot day and also underwater, but I was confident that the look I designed would be a true example of what “good professional makeup” means. I was excited to learn that a young record-winning swimmer would be my cover model. But the detail that excited me most was the opportunity to share my life story of what got me into makeup and what led me to opening a business in Pennsylvania, within the pages of this same magazine!

Below I share with you the story that was printed in the 2013 summer edition of Lancaster County Magazine as well as the photos from our cover shoot. Enjoy!

(This content is shared with permission from Lancaster County Magazine. More information can be found by visiting

On the Job with Carmina-Cristina

Chlorine and the sun can play havoc with your skin and hair. Imagine the impact they have when you’re in the water for hours nearly every day as Emily Cameron is.

“Can you do something about my raccoon eyes?” Emily asked makeup artist Carmina-Cristina. Actually, Emily has the reverse of raccoon eyes – the skin under and around her eyes is paler than her tanned complexion. “It’s because of my goggles,” she explained.

carmina cristina lancaster county magazine articleCarmina, who recently launched her own line of cosmetic and skincare products, went to work. The look she devised included a neutral eye, “sun-kissed” cheeks and bold lips. Carmina then turned Emily over to her colleague, hairstylist Glen “Coco” Oropeza, who designed the dampened sleek look for her hair. Soon, Emily was looking like a 21st-century version of the San Tropez girl who appeared in those iconic ads before baking in the sun became a no-no. Emily looked into a mirror and couldn’t believe her eyes!

Lancaster-Magazine-July2013-Cover-Makeup-by-Carmina-CristinaCarmina has been a makeup artist for 10 years. Born in Romania, she was always fascinated by the makeup facet of theater and expressed a desire to take her creative talents in such a direction. Her parents encouraged her to take a different path, so she chose to attend law school. Soon after graduating, she met her future husband, who was born in Canada but had grown up in Central Pennsylvania due to his father’s job with Hershey Chocolate. The newlyweds made their home in Harrisburg.

Knowing her law degree would not “translate” to America – “I’d have to start all over” – she saw it as an opportunity to follow her dream and launch her own business as a makeup artist. She began her quest by taking courses in Europe and Toronto, and earning her aesthetician license through the Lancaster School of Cosmetology. Her expertise encompasses weddings, commercial work and high fashion (everything from magazine editorials to Fashion Week, both here and in Europe). She’s also partnered with Harrisburg photographer Nancy Jones on a makeover/photography project they call “Mom Glam.” Plus, she conducts educational seminars for women of all ages who are interested in learning essential makeup techniques. “The right makeup can make a woman look 10 years younger,” she says. “Who you are should reflect on your face.” As for young women such as Emily, beautifully applied makeup is a confidence builder, especially if you’re about to experience your first streak of independence or start a career.

Lancaster-Magazine-July2013-with-Carmina-Cristina-makeup-artistCarmina’s decision to launch her own line of cosmetic and skincare products grew out of frustration at not being able to find professional-level products in this area. Two years ago, after growing tired of ordering items via catalogs and the Internet or stocking up when she was in New York, Carmina began to research the possibility of creating her own products. She also realized a need existed for such products when brides and other clients asked how they could obtain the products she was using. Working with a lab in New York, she went to work. Thus far, her line, which is manufactured in the United States and in Europe, consists of 16 high-end makeup items (including a tinted primer SPF 20, Baked Hydrating Power and Finishing Powder) many of which are hypoallergenic, paraben-free and fragrance-free and four Vitamin C-based skincare products. While her line “offers the performance of professional products,” she takes pride in the fact that they are “accessible to everyday women.”

Marketing is her next challenge – she hopes to work with regional boutiques that have a desire to provide their customers with the final touch for their wardrobes. “But, my ultimate goal is a storefront in Lancaster,” she says.

For more information, visit

The Look of Summer

Carmina-Cristina maintains that beautiful skin is the ultimate canvas for your summer look. Unfortunately, hot, humid weather only accentuates your skin’s degree of dryness or oiliness, so it’s important to use cleansing/moisturizing products that address such conditions. “You want your skin to feel fresh and pleasant,” she says.

She prefers a light foundation for summer. Choose one that multitasks in that it acts as a primer, traps moisture and provides coverage.

As for eyes, dark shadow colors look heavy in bright sunlight and can “melt” in the heat/humidity. A neutral palette looks much cooler and more natural. For texture, add shimmer.

In Carmina’s opinion, summer is the perfect season to play with bold color for cheeks and lips.

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