I define my work with the single tagline, “Discover the Beauty in You.” Yes, makeup enhances physical appearance, but what most people overlook is the inner beauty that makeup also helps to let shine through. This is the type of glow that radiates from within the soul. I work every day with women who exude inner and outer beauty, but every so often a particular client reminds me of what my work is all about by showcasing this radiant inner glow.
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of doing the makeup for a Sweet Sixteen birthday party. In getting to know my client, I discovered that she was the definition of a tomboy. She didn’t enjoy getting dressed up, doing her hair or putting on lip gloss and eyeshadow. Normally, the thought of professional makeup would seem like far too many frills and fluff for someone who preferred a much simpler beauty routine!
For one special day (and as her mother’s plea) she was open to embracing a more “girly” appearance. I knew that the look I wanted to create for her was one that was still very true to who she was, but took all of that inner beauty and brought it to surface.
She was absolutely radiant! She looked glamorous while still looking youthful and the pop of pink color on her eyes added that element of fun. Combined with hair, jewelry and a beautiful dress, she was ready to celebrate her birthday in a way unlike she had ever done before!
When I encourage women to use makeup to “Discover the Beauty in You” I am saying this to every person out there! This concept is not limited by how old you are, how beautiful people tell you that you are or any other factor we might imagine. Makeup can play a large role in this self-discovery process, just as it did for my client on her 16th birthday. Makeup is not meant to just create a beautiful façade, it’s meant to reflect the beauty you feel inside. I truly believe that with my passion, I can change people’s lives through the way they see themselves and how they are seen by others. So I encourage you today…take one step closer toward Discovering the Beauty in YOU!
Very special Thanks goes to: Wendy St. Peter, Kristina’s beautiful mom and to Nicole, Reflective Lights by Nicole who captured the best moments of that special day.